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Celia Pollard
Apr 03, 2023
In Prayer
Praise the Lord! Yesterday I almost didn't make it to service. It was day 60 in a row for me with fever and more symptoms that keep geting worse, but during praise and worship the Holy Ghost lifted me up and gave me the strength to run 2 laps around the sanctuary! I am praying everyday and waiting on God for my miracle but I bless Him for everything He does! I don't know what His plan is for me in this illness but I still raise my hallelujah and cry out glory to God! Thank you Jesus!
Celia Pollard
Mar 15, 2023
In Prayer
Praise the Lord I have a testimony that may seem small to others but is so big to me. I have been sick for a while now. Today (Tuesday) makes 43 days straight with a fever. My doctor ran tests and decided that I need to see a specialist. I got the call yesterday and they gave me an appointment for March 27th, which isn't bad, but that's still 2 weeks away. I told the girl how sick I've been and to please put me down in case someone else cancelled. Well I just asked God to please move in the situation and went about my day. Less than an hour later I got a call asking if I would like an appointment on Friday and they gave me the option of 3 different times! When I got off the phone all I could do was praise the Lotd and cry because I knew that it was all Him! Now I'm just waiting for my healing but I know that it's coming. God is faithful!

Celia Pollard

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