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Revival Now Prayer Network

Public·104 members

Praise the Lord! Please keep the Baker, Lloyd, and McCrate families in your prayers. They lost two family members that were Missionaries in Haiti to senseless violence last night. The Missionaries was ambushed at their compound where their church, school, and home is at. Keep the nation of Haiti in prayer. There is such a unrest and spirit of lawlessness there. Innocent people are being terrorized and killed by gang members that took over the nation. Police and government leaders have not been able to stop them. It is such a spirit of wickedness there. Please intercede for them. Thank you!

Cari Burns
charles burns
Maritza Leanos
Carmen Frazier

Will do sis


Hello My Brothers and Sisters on Christ I'm Struggling with My Walk with GOD it happened 3 days ago I'm feeling Rebellious Against GOD Sinning Against Him I just want My Faith Restored and My Heart ❤️Aligned Back to the Will Of GOD I missed Church one Sunday and Wednesday it seems like I have no interest to go to Church Now it comes and Goes the Feeling to Praise the Lord If Ya Could PRAY 🙏 FOR ME THANK YOU

Jetaun Carr
Kelly Blomlie Dinkins
Carmen Frazier

Thank you My Brothers and Sisters IN Christ For All the Prayers GOD Bless Every Single one of you and Your Families Sending LOVE ❤️ to You as My Family In Christ 🙏✝️❤️


Praise the Lord church! Please keep brother Reggie, Sis Beth, and baby in prayer for a healthy and safe arrival of their baby girl. She still have not arrived yet, and they have been at the hospital since Tuesday evening. Peace and strength for both parents; health, comfort, and strength in Sis Beth's body; and a healthy delivery without further delays in Jesus name!

Evita Malkimos
Juan Hernandez
Carmen Frazier
Sulma Otano

In Jesus name

Believing God for successful uneventful c-section

Healthy recovery and baby


Praise the Lord Saints! I'm asking that you keep a young lady by the name of Kezia in prayer. God knows the need, so please pray God's perfect will over her. Thank you all!

Carmen Frazier
Jetaun Carr

Pray for tashla from drive through prayer to get approved for a home equity loan and a new job

Jetaun Carr
Maritza Leanos
Kelly Blomlie Dinkins
Carmen Frazier

Please pray for Ortiz N

Pray for healing in his body and provisions to be made for housing, rent, food, medicine and salvation.

Thank you!


Well the meeting I had with Zak at Baden Bower from Forbes magazine is going well. They said they think I have something and I filled out an online Jethro Sparks Global Recognition Award. Pray I make it and come up with the money for publicity. I am trying to save my money. Just got all my expenses paid. I am sharing Jesus to the world with this!! To worldly people.

Holly Whitehead
Chasity Burns

Asking for prayer for my son brother Nicolas healing for hypertension it's hindering him passing a physical for a new job, he also needs healing for a skin condition on the back of his head he's been dealing with both for the last 10 years..

Jetaun Carr
Kelly Blomlie Dinkins
Evita Malkimos

In Jesus name!

Prayer made for Bro Nick

Believing God for your sons healing, for a quick manifestation. For him to pass his physical.


Praise the Lord! Everyone please welcome Sania to this group, she connected with us from the drive-thru prayer and her requests are for her, her boyfriend and her mom and family. And please pray for Amy Heartman for her finances and direction. Thank you!

Jetaun Carr
Terrance Jostes

Coming into agreement with Sania's prayer requests for her herself, her boyfriend, and her family. Also, praying for God's hand to be upon Amy Heartman's finances and his perfect will and direction for her life. Praise God for drawing hungry souls in for prayer!


PTL here are the prayer requests for the people at drive thru prayer this past Saturday. Cereatter hill for direction, Marsha for her daughter to connect with God, Sabrina for discipline, niara protection, Yolanda cancer free, kristina was homeless and was blessed with a place to stay, demiko strength, Derrick loss of his wife and has 4 children,

Chasity Burns
Carmen Frazier
Jetaun Carr
Terrance Jostes

Hallelujah!!! The power of agreement in prayer is going to cause these prayers to reach the throne room of heaven.

God's perfect will, guidance, and direction for C. Hill

Marsha's daughter to have a hunger in her heart for the Lord and draw close to Him.

Sabrina to have the power of God's word and will guide her. Discipline to be developed in her life.

God's hedge of protection to be around Niara, and for her to know she's safe in Jesus.

Declaring healing from cancer and any Spirit of infirmity to be gone from Yolanda.

Kristina's prayers of praise to arise before the nostrils of the Lord as a sweet smell for prospering her.

The joy of the Lord to be Demiko's strength.

Derrick and his children, to feel the Lord's presence, bringing them comfort, strength, and peace as they go through this season of grieving. Praying they feel God's loving embrace.


I am asking for prayers for my daughter and her husband. My daughter has been sick with an ear infection. Her and her husband have a new baby and need a second car and nice safe place of their own to live where they can raise their family. I think they have found a church they love.

Carmen Frazier
Chasity Burns
Jetaun Carr

Coming into agreement with you on these things! Healing, financial prosperity, and God's perfect will for their lives.


Please pray for my brothers Tyler and Charles, for healing and salvation, and that God will move on their lives, hearts and minds. Please stand in agreement with me that they will allow Him to be the head of their lives and be obedient to his word and his voice. Pray for healing for both emotionally and psychologically, and I'm praying that God guides the hands of the surgeons for Tyler's surgical procedure for his shoulder, to gain use of it. I pray that he will be healed and he will know it was ONLY God who did it.

Consequala Lomax
Carmen Frazier

In Jesus name! 🙏🏽 I’m in agreement with you. Believing God for a quick manifestation for this petition.


Praise the Lord, just wanted to thank our Apostle, First Lady and my sisters who knew about my situation for the prayers.....I lost my health insurance in November and have been out of quite a few meds, one which was for high blood pressure. Last Wednesday I was in the er because I was sick AGAIN, blood pressure was188/102. They were concerned but released with the usual....You have a virus, all test and chest xray normal. Finally reached my doctor and here is the praise report.......BUT GOD, she filled my script and it was only $2.12 for a 90 day supply with 3 refills, the pharmacy says i have insurance ,but in the natural I dont, God said I did and that is what matters.....FAITHFULL IS HE....I KNEW HE WOULD COME THROUGH AND SHOW HIMSELF STRONG...didnt care how I felt just knew he had a plan.... thanks Sister mom Ca…

Celia Pollard
Jetaun Carr
Consequala Lomax
Catalina Jostes
Dec 19, 2023

Hallelujah High praises to the true living God he is so faithful!!!


Hey family!! I have a gentleman with a background in construction looking for work, only issue is he is an immigrant and doesn't have his papers to get a stable source of income. If anyone can keep Al in mind if you're needing work to be done and keep him in prayer.

Jetaun Carr
Michelle Sanders
Monique Rodriguez
Hipolito Soria

Please agree with me in prayer for a family my hubby and I met on yesterday that is in transition for their basic needs to be met (food, shelter, clothing) to come to church on tomorrow. Lift up the dad's name - Alex and his daughters - Valentina and Adrianna in prayer for God's perfect will to be done in this situation. Pray that nothing hinders them from coming tomorrow to receive all the Lord has for them. Thank you!

Chasity Burns
Shaune Leonard
Unknown member
Sep 16, 2023



Hey family!!! Please stand in agreement with me for the healing and restoration of my moms boss who just retired today. I'm thanking God that the cancer is gone healed and his health restored. I am thanking Him for Carmen Garcia's life being long, healthy and prosperous not only in finances and joy but in spirit and soul as well. If he doesn't know Christ I thank God he'll be coming to CRC with his family, ran out of cards so yes I wrote down service times and address and shamelessly dropped it in his card. Lol But I thank God his latter years will be long and greater than his previous years in Jesus name amen!!

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes
Hipolito Soria
Natali Mendoza
Aug 01, 2023

Amen sister! In agreement!


Update on my daughter Kaylah Carrera...

Yay! Praise Jesus. She got a nice car and the other one is still working. Her husband was able to find a cheap way to fix the coolant leak. They just have to find a house now and pay off some debt. My daughter has gestational diabetes & anemia

from her pregnancy for the duration of her pregnancy. I am going God willing to her dr appt monday so I can help her take care of herself please continue to pray for me, my daughter, and her family.

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes
Michelle Sanders
Chasity Burns
Carmen Frazier
Carmen Frazier
Jun 16, 2023

Glory to God

Keeping your daughter in prayer for her health while she is pregnant, for you to have the strength you need as you help take care and support your daughter. God will provide your with a home that they need. In Jesus name.


Praise the Lord everyone! I am requesting prayer for Dee. She loves and trusts God for provision but currently she is displaced. Pray that the finances and resources come expediently for her own place with all the amenities including a safe location and gets moved in right away in Jesus name.

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes

Please pray that our family (Rob and Holly) are open to receive the Lord's instruction and direction regarding where He wants to place us, as far as moving is concerned. Thank you.

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes
Carmen Frazier
Carmen Frazier
May 15, 2023

Prayers were made for your family,

Will keep you all in prayer as well.

Prayed and believing God. That whatever you pray for according to Gods will. I come in agreement and asking for manifestation for God to give you a pure heart, to receive godly wisdom, instruction and knowledge for all things. That is needed to direct your days. For his perfect will to be done for where you would live. To a place where you want to be your home.

In Jesus name!


Well I am asking for still more prayers for my daughter Kaylah Carrera & her Husband Ricky Carrera. Kaylah Carrera is five months pregnant and was in the er with the Covid. Her husband has the Covid too. They had just moved from their apartment to her in-laws to save for a house & two cars. Their only car has about had it. They also need to get out of debt. My daughter has been getting sick for years now. She can barely eat and is pregnant with her first baby. I am asking for a miracle for the both of them. They are the only helpful family I have around.

Catalina Jostes
Emma Jones
Kristin Passon
Jetaun Carr
Jetaun Carr
May 12, 2023

Nothing is too big for our God! Binding all sickness, disease, and viruses from the Carrera household, and loosing God's promise of healing and protection over them! Praying they have an encounter with God that causes them to draw closer to Him. May they prosper in the things of God, and His perfect will be done in their lives! All of these things in the name that is above every name, the name of Jesus Christ, our Great Redeemer!!!


Hi! Sister Nichole Grzych here. I am please asking for continued prayers for my daughter Kaylah Carrera. She and her husband just moved from their apartment to her in laws house for about a year to save money for two cars and a house. Both of their cars are junk cars and one they had to give up the other barely working, Kaylah is five months pregnant with a girl and has been sick on and off. She is suffering a real bad ear infection and her ear drum ruptured. Please pray for healing and that her hearing is not compromised, pray she has a healthy baby and that it is not suffering. Pray the baby loves lord and the I can be a good Christian grandma with energy to help. Please pray for Kaylah and Ricky as parents. The three of us need a miracle. We are all thr…

Catalina Jostes
anna mack
Jetaun Carr
Jetaun Carr
May 08, 2023

Coming into agreement with you for a healthy, god-fearing granddaughter, many generational blessings throughout your bloodline in Jesus name! Every promise that comes with being a covenant child of God to be manifest in your life! God is faithful! Keep proclaiming His promises over you, and your family! The Lord's healing virtues to touch Kaylah's ear, and it be made whole. Praying God's perfect will over Kaylah and Ricky's life. May they live a life sold out to the Lord in Jesus name!!!


Praise the Lord everyone! I need your agreement for the Lord's divine intervention with my job. I am trusting the Lord for equal pay as my counterpart to be my portion. I have been underpaid for more than 8 years. Be in agreement with me that they will accept the union's proposal for full pay increase in addition to bonuses, stipends, and back pay in Jesus name.

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes
Jetaun Carr
Jetaun Carr
May 04, 2023

Sister, it is done! You are a covenant child of God! Favor and blessings are benefits to being in covenant with God! I join my faith and expectation with yours in receiving all God has for you. God does all things in abundance, so I am expecting your finances to overflow beyond what your counterparts receive, not equal to theirs! Increased pay, bonuses, stipends, back pay, extended vacations and sick time off to be in abundance, more than you could ask or think in Jesus name! I come against anything that would hinder the promises of God from coming to fruition in your life by the power and authority of the name of JESUS!!! I'm thanking the Lord God Almighty for the favor, blessings, and prosperity of His daughter!!!


Here with sis Rita, she is on dialysis now, very incoherent, seizures are under control, will move out of icu today. Pray her sons will come and figure out her living arrangements, as she is living in a transit van.

Catalina Jostes
anna mack
Michelle Sanders
Jetaun Carr
Carmen Frazier
Carmen Frazier
Apr 19, 2023

In Jesus name

Praying she receives the care for her daily living needs with compassion and kindness. For full restoration, healing in her body.


Praise the Lord everyone

If you could pray for Melanie Galindo she came in to my office and I felt her brokenness. She's shared that she is struggling to find work and was worried because she just bought a new car and home. I didn't want to prey but I felt like there's something with abuse going on. Please help me lift her up. I witnessed to her and invited her to church. I pray she makes the decision to come to church Sunday gets set free. Thank you

Catalina Jostes
Michelle Sanders

My daughter and her husband are having a real hard time. Their only car is leaking coolant real bad and they have to fill it up every time they drive. They are moving into my daughters husband's parents basement on just that car barely any help to carry furniture pack etc. My daughter is pregnant. My daughter continues to be tired from her medicine. Praise Jesus it is a miracle my daughter is pregnant, they can save money living with her in laws for a while, and her husband got a raise. Thanks for the prayers. They need two new cars real soon & to move. They are in a real hard place right now and need the lords protection & inspiration. If the lord and prayer could be with them that would be great. They are also looking for a church. I have invited them to CRC. Maybe th…

Catalina Jostes
anna mack
Michelle Sanders
Zheily Ramos
Apr 02, 2023

Please pray for my Mama Querida Virginia Feliciano. Thank you.


Prayer for my sister Adella Blondet and her job situation. She is in the medical field and followed her conviction and chose not to be vaccinated however every job has challenged this and she was even let go at her last employment due to this. She just got promoted at another job and they already knew her position on this and are now bringing it up and are not sure they want to proceed with her in this job. Let's pray against this and for her job security and for to her to prevail.

Catalina Jostes
Angela Mallory
Michelle Sanders
Michelle Sanders
Mar 27, 2023

Praying for God's favor to overwhelm Adella in Jesus's name

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