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Revival Now Prayer Network

Public·104 members

Praise the Lord Saints! In this month of May, "Mental Health Awareness" is being honored. This is a true crisis that affects many people and their families. It does not discriminate according to age, race/ethnicity/culture, social class, but it plagues the lives of many. CRC recognizes the impact of mental health on others and have highlighted this as a need for focused prayer. If you have a loved one, friend, co-worker, or neighbor dealing with mental health issues and you want focused prayer for them, please leave your prayer petition below. Please take time to pray for the needs of those with any mental health struggles. We will continue praying this entire month of May over this specific area. Thank you all!

‭Philippians 4:6-7

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God…

Terrance Jostes


Please keep Kyle, Athena, Arie, Charles Montgomery Jr., in prayer.

Thank you!

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Need prayers for a lady who I used to work with years back. Her name is Sue Rix. She tried to commit suicide and is in the hospital on life support. God can turn it around, and heal her.

Cari Burns
Jetaun Carr
Maritza Leanos
Terrance Jostes

Amen yes he can..that's the God we serve..

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Praise the Lord Everyone! Asking for prayer for a woman I met at the salon who struggles with severe anxiety and panick attacks her name is Stephanie!:)

Jetaun Carr
Kelly Blomlie Dinkins

Praise the Lord Saints! I'm asking that you keep a young lady by the name of Kezia in prayer. God knows the need, so please pray God's perfect will over her. Thank you all!

Carmen Frazier
Jetaun Carr

Please pray for Sis Latoya she's experiencing depression right now

Jetaun Carr
Catalina Jostes
Carmen Frazier

Please pray for my coworker she had a lot of trauma in her life and needs healing. Praise God for making time for her and I to speak and her opening up to me. God is so awesome thank you Jesus. He's going to bind up all her wounds and set her free from anxiety and depression Hallelujah!!!

Catalina Jostes
Carmen Frazier
Rob Whitehead
Jetaun Carr


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Please pray for my mother, Liz... chains broken, in the name of JESUS!

Michelle Sanders
Jetaun Carr
Carmen Frazier
charles burns

Agreeing and believing with you, brother, for your mother's deliverance and salvation!

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Praise the Lord everyone. Please pray for a girl named Taylor who is a mother of 2 young children who was recently hospitalized from a psychotic break due to drug use. If we can pray for that addiction to be broken off of her and for God to give her a change of heart to stop using.

Terrance Jostes
Michelle Sanders
Maritza Leanos
Jetaun Carr

I thank God for preserving Taylor's life that she may have the opportunity for restoration in Jesus name.

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PTL here are the prayer requests for the people at drive thru prayer this past Saturday. Cereatter hill for direction, Marsha for her daughter to connect with God, Sabrina for discipline, niara protection, Yolanda cancer free, kristina was homeless and was blessed with a place to stay, demiko strength, Derrick loss of his wife and has 4 children,

Chasity Burns
Carmen Frazier
Jetaun Carr
Terrance Jostes

Hallelujah!!! The power of agreement in prayer is going to cause these prayers to reach the throne room of heaven.

God's perfect will, guidance, and direction for C. Hill

Marsha's daughter to have a hunger in her heart for the Lord and draw close to Him.

Sabrina to have the power of God's word and will guide her. Discipline to be developed in her life.

God's hedge of protection to be around Niara, and for her to know she's safe in Jesus.

Declaring healing from cancer and any Spirit of infirmity to be gone from Yolanda.

Kristina's prayers of praise to arise before the nostrils of the Lord as a sweet smell for prospering her.

The joy of the Lord to be Demiko's strength.

Derrick and his children, to feel the Lord's presence, bringing them comfort, strength, and peace as they go through this season of grieving. Praying they feel God's loving embrace.

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Please pray for my brothers Tyler and Charles, for healing and salvation, and that God will move on their lives, hearts and minds. Please stand in agreement with me that they will allow Him to be the head of their lives and be obedient to his word and his voice. Pray for healing for both emotionally and psychologically, and I'm praying that God guides the hands of the surgeons for Tyler's surgical procedure for his shoulder, to gain use of it. I pray that he will be healed and he will know it was ONLY God who did it.

Consequala Lomax
Carmen Frazier

In Jesus name! 🙏🏽 I’m in agreement with you. Believing God for a quick manifestation for this petition.

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Please pray for my son Franky's friend Vivian. She is currently in a rehabilitation hospital in the city. She tried hanging herself a couple weeks ago. Prayers for her and her family

Jetaun Carr
Maritza Leanos
Kelly Blomlie Dinkins
Michelle Sanders


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Please pray for my uncle Kim

He is being rushed to the hospital

I don't have any details except he is in a lot of pain. Pray that God will touch his body by a miracle and he would believe. For him and my aunt to be saved.

Jetaun Carr
Barbara Joseph
Elizabeth Morikis
Kelly Blomlie Dinkins
Jetaun Carr
Jetaun Carr
23 dic 2023

Praying for him!

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Praise the Lord Saints!

Please pray for Elder McKinney's father - Henry McKinney for salvation & supernatural healing and his wife Melinda for wholeness. Thank you!

Chasity Burns
Catalina Jostes
Michelle Sanders
Elizabeth Morikis


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Brother Rudy uncle to Bro Jimmy, has been diagnosed with colon cancer. He is currently in the hospital not doing well. Please pray for him. He has been to our church a couple time, his baby's mother was baptized at our church.

Celia Pollard
Jaynie Gerloff
Jetaun Carr

Hey family! Please keep my students in your prayers, she's going through a lot. She lost her mom a few years ago and now her dad has stage four cancer. Please stand in agreement with me for his full healing and restoration. His name is Kenneth Ballard and hers is Shaugnessy. Pray for her strength and guidance. Thank you family in advance!!

Carmen Frazier
Terrance Jostes
Jetaun Carr
Jetaun Carr
Jetaun Carr
19 nov 2023

Praying for Shaugnessy and Kenneth Ballard for the power of God to move in this situation. God is still in the healing and restoration business!

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Please keep Philip Martin Ramos in your prayers. He was shot 3 times including once in the head. His girlfriend and mother of his 2 kids, Marlana, visited CRC years ago with me and she reached out to me today asking for prayer. He needs a miracle in his life and they both the miracle of salvation. Thank you.

Hipolito Soria
Carmen Frazier
Jetaun Carr
Evita Malkimos
Jetaun Carr
Jetaun Carr
02 nov 2023

Praise the Lord Sis! I remember Marlana! She lost her mom tragically by her step-dad. I will be praying for her and Philip. Will she come to church?

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Special prayer request for a woman named Maggie, severly bound, living in a trap house, under a pimp, addicted to heroin.

Alex Murga
Celia Pollard
Carmen Frazier
Monique Rodriguez
27 sept 2023

Dear Lord you are our hiding place, our refruge, our protection. You are Provider. Our salvation. Show Maggie the way out of her situation Lord. You are a loving and merciful God. The one true and living God, Jesus! Release her angels to watch over her! Save her dear Lord! In Jesus' name. Amen

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Praise the Lord everyone

Please pray for a woman named June. She sounded like an elderly woman battling an unhealthy relationship, she's going to court to hopefully get a restraining order against him. She's pretty upset he has smeared her name, stole from her, has beat her mentally n physically. Asking strength for her, healing n protection, I pray she forgives him so she can heal. His name is Rob and his mother need to be delivered and salvation. In Jesus name bring them Lord to the truth hallelujah

Emma Jones
Carmen Frazier
Catalina Jostes
Barbara Joseph
29 sept 2023


Just spoke with June she wanted to thank everyone for praying for her. She sees our prayers being answered in Jesus name Amen hallelujah!!! Praise God

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Requesting prayer for Gods protection and justice to be done. For a women name June G. For her to have protection against, abuse and stalking. For peace in her mind with salvation being her portion. She goes to court on Tuesday morning and asking for prayer to done for her that morning. Pray for Gods perfect will in her life.

Jetaun Carr
Consequala Lomax
Monique Rodriguez
25 sept 2023

Isaiah 54:17 says, No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every evil tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me says the Lord.

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Please pray for a 16 yr named Fatima, she is dealing with anger issues and being promiscuous. Pray that she does come to church, receives emotional healing, deliverance from drugs, anger, sexual immorality, gets born again and receives the Holy Ghost in Jesus name Amen!

Alex Murga
Carmen Frazier
Monique Rodriguez
25 sept 2023

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Please agree with me in prayer for a family my hubby and I met on yesterday that is in transition for their basic needs to be met (food, shelter, clothing) to come to church on tomorrow. Lift up the dad's name - Alex and his daughters - Valentina and Adrianna in prayer for God's perfect will to be done in this situation. Pray that nothing hinders them from coming tomorrow to receive all the Lord has for them. Thank you!

Chasity Burns
Shaune Leonard


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Praise The Lord

I'm asking for prayers for my son Kyle.

For healing and comfort in his body. He went to the ER for chest and back pain.

Catalina Jostes
Consequala Lomax
Hipolito Soria
Jetaun Carr
Carmen Frazier
Carmen Frazier
19 sept 2023

Yes Kyle is better

Thank you for all of your prayers!

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Please pray for my cousin Pj Torres who is in ICU right now and they had to intubate him. He was complaining of chest pains so he went to hospital and it went to that to them finding out he has cirrhosis of the liver (he has a drinking problem as well). His kidneys they say are shutting down and other serious issues. Let's pray the Lord will spare his life and heal him and that he can live and be saved. Thank you!

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes
Kelly Blomlie Dinkins
Jetaun Carr
Jetaun Carr
24 jul 2023

I feel the burden of this petition, and I'm praying.

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Praise God we're having some new visitors today! One being my son Francisco hallelujah and Brother Franks niece is also coming with her daughter. Please help me pray that they have eyes to see, hears to hear and a receiving heart. That my son receives deliverance and is set free and they're both filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus name. Lord Jesus move on them and everyone else for that matter. Let healing take place, souls to be saved and signs and wonders take place in Gods house! Glory to the True Living God!

Doug Strickley
Jetaun Carr
Carmen Frazier
Carmen Frazier
23 jul 2023


In agreement and believing God to perform these request!

In Jesus name!

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Please pray for Raul Mota he's an old friend VA veteran suffering from PTSD, depression, Alcohol abuse, prayers for deliverance, salvation, and healing. God use him for the kingdom, In Jesus name Amen

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes
Kelly Blomlie Dinkins
Chasity Burns
17 jul 2023

In Jesus name I thank You Father God for our brothers complete healing and restoration in Jesus name. Every plan scheme and assignment the enemy has against his life, against his mind is hereby cancelled in Jesus name. We bind every attempt of the enemy, I speak against and denounce alcoholism, depression, suicidal thoughts and actions in Jesus name. I thank You Father for your protection over him, heal him draw him and draw him to you so that you can repair every void in his life in Jesus name. I thank you for grace and mercy following him all the days of his healthy joyful and prosperous life not only in finances but spirit/soul as well in Jesus name amen.

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Please keep my coworkers in your prayers. Melanie's daughter Amanda has been admitted in the hospital for bipolar disorder, pray for Keisha that God break the lazy spirit off of her, and Virginia's husband Bruce for blocked arteries and to be in peace he's been very stressed. And also for Donna my coworker has Heart trouble and other issues in her body. Thank you

Michelle Sanders
Jetaun Carr
Carmen Frazier
Carmen Frazier
Carmen Frazier
26 jun 2023

Prayers made in Jesus name.

With specific request and by names.

For all of your co-workers.

Believing God for total healing for their minds, bodies and restoration for their soul.

Praying they draw to God with unwavering faith, for comfort, and peace in their minds.

For them all to have salvation and be filled with the Holy Ghost; that doors may be closed and the enemy has no legal right in their lives. If they are not already saved.

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Praise the Lord Saints! I'm asking for you all to come in agreement with prayers for my Step-dad - Robert King for healing in his body from prostate cancer. My mom told my hubby and I last night that the cancer came back. My mom and her hubby left this morning back to Arizona. Please pray they get saved and planted in a UPCI affiliated church in Arizona. Thank you all!

Catalina Jostes
Juan Hernandez
anna mack
Consequala Lomax
Carmen Frazier
Carmen Frazier
22 jun 2023

In Jesus name keeping them in prayer and believing God

For healing and salvation

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I'm asking all to pray with me against the witchcraft here in Texas at my niece's mother's home. She has altars, incense burning, graven images/wood-carvings on walls and tables, figurines, stones, and crystals set-up in just about every corner of her home. I could not believe what I saw. She has pillows and small tables as altars that she meditates at, and has my niece entangled up in this mess. Please pray for revelation to come to Jalayne and Keisha that they come out of darkness in the marvelous light of God. To worship the One true God, and no longer worship false, dead gods!!!

Also, pray against the human sex-trafficking out here in Texas. So many children have been abducted in the last couple of days. Multiple amber alerts have come through our phones since being here. Pray for the safe return of these children. Thank you!

Doug Strickley
Kelly Blomlie Dinkins
Carmen Frazier
Carmen Frazier
28 may 2023

Prayers made against every principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness and against spiritual wickedness in high places that is in Texas. Prayers made against the spirit against perversion that is causing abduction of innocent children. Believing God to send his warring angels to fight for these children. To bring them to a safe and place. For God to be their refuge and strong tower. I pray they are not offended with God because of these horrendous acts that happened to them. That they will receive God as their Lord and savior, for them to have healing and wholeness.

In Jesus name!

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Hi Family. Please pray for me to have a total recovery. I'm troubled physically, mentally, emotionally and seeking healing. Please pray that God will give me wisdom and show me what to do to make my life and environment conducive to a healing & healing atmosphere. I know everything has to change from my diet, to my habits, to even the people I am around. It's so much happening so fast so please pray that I endure. It's all a huge wake up call for me but I am praying that God will grant me a second chance & a testimony to share. ❤️ Thank you

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes

Healing is your portion according to Jeremiah 17:14...Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.

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Please pray for the deliverance of my son - Jeric. He needs to be set free from depression, alcohol addiction, and smoking. His heart to be transformed, and mind renewed. Come into agreement with me for his godly inheritance, eternal life, and victory over darkness to come into fruition in Jeric's life. God's protection over him as he comes out this darkness. Thank you!

Catalina Jostes
Kelly Blomlie Dinkins
Catalina Jostes
Catalina Jostes
20 may 2023

Praying for him sis God will deliver and heal right on time

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I am asking for prayers for my daughter A'Niya. God knows her situation and I'm just asking that she turns towards Righteousness and that she accepts God into her heart and life. I'm praying that this situation be turned around and her eyes be open. I'm also praying for guidance and wisdom for me to be the best help for her at this time.

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes
Michelle Sanders
Carmen Frazier
Carmen Frazier
12 may 2023

In Jesus name

Praying for your daughter heart to be soften unto repentance. I pray the eyes of her understanding be open to see the goodness of God in her life.

Praying for Gods grace to be with you and The Holy Spirit of God to lead and guide with knowledge and wisdom. For you to be the best help your daughter needs.

In Jesus name!

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prayer please... my Aunt is recovering from brain surgery and just received results that she has stage 4 lung cancer. She is not saved.

My Dad and mom still need much prayer

thank you in advance 💕

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes
anna mack
Jetaun Carr
Jetaun Carr
29 abr 2023

Praying for an open door of effectiveness and opportunity to witness to your Aunt Diane and her be drawn to repentance. It is not the will of God for any to perish, but all come to repentance (2nd Peter 3:9). Agreeing with you for the power of God that He has given you access to, will flow through you, as you lay hands on her, and she will recover. Rub you long, uncut hair across her chest where her lungs are at, and declare to the Lord your obedience to His word. There is power in your obedience. 1st Corinthians 11:3 - 15. Praying for alignment and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, so that you would be led in the situation with your parents in Jesus name! The enemy is defeated! He has NO power over us! The Power lives on the inside of us! Go into your Aunt Diane's room with boldness and confidence in the Holy Spirit!!! Declare and decree the living word over her! May you be blessed, move in power, and in victory in the wonderful, matchless name of Jesus! Stir yourself up in the Holyghost!!!

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I'm asking for all to join their faith in prayer with me for my son - Jeric. He's living a very reckless lifestyle with substance abuse, and needs deliverance quickly. Generational curses must be broken off of his life, and his heart to be totally surrendered to God. Please loose God's mercy, grace, and protection over him even in his foolishness. I'm petitioning the Lord for a godly encounter that gets my son's attention. He needs to be saved! Praying for this to happen in Jesus name! Thank you all!

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes
Kelly Blomlie Dinkins
Barbara Joseph
Barbara Joseph
02 may 2023

I'm praying and trusting God that your son Jeric will be set free from substance abuse.

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Would you say a special prayer for my son Giovanni? He strayed away from the Lord and needs to be delivered, restored into right relationship with our Heavenly Father. I also ask that you agree with me for complete healing for him from diabetes.

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes
Barbara Joseph
Barbara Joseph
02 may 2023

I'm praying and believing that Giovanni will turn and walk with God. I will also believe with you that by the stripes of Jesus he is healed from diabetes.

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Please pray for my daughter Emily. She is in desperate need of deliverance and restoration.

Doug Strickley
Catalina Jostes
anna mack
Carmen Frazier
Carmen Frazier
17 abr 2023

In Jesus name

Praying for deliverance and restoration for Emily. I pray someone from the harvest be a witness to her that she would be receptive to hear from them: and the power of their testimony turns her heart to God.

I come against and bind every assignment of hell against her. Every hindering spirit and strongholds be broken in the name of Jesus.

I believe God is a rewarded for those who diligently seeks after him. He will grant you sister the petitions and the desires in your heart.

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Catalina Jostes
Michelle Sanders

Thank you Lord Jesus that you love your creation. And you are moved with compassion to heal, deliver, save, and set free those who are oppressed of the devil. We come against the spirits of oppression and depression, hopelessness and fear. We lift up this individual to you for your grace and mercy to rest heavily upon them. Heal and restore them to life and holiness in Jesus name.

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Hey family please pray for my new friend Bob, he's suffering from MS and is really going through a hard time. I pray God allows me to interact with him again so I can invite him to church. I made safe small talk telling him I would pray for him but he wasn't receptive so I chickened out which I'm kicking myself for. He lost his wife and is angry about that and his condition. I'm praying that I'll see him again and will be braver this time around.

Catalina Jostes
Whitney 💚
anna mack
Jetaun Carr
Jetaun Carr
01 mar 2023

I arrest every thought that opposes the word of God! Anointing to speak God's word with boldness to rest upon you Sis!

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Asking for prayers for my friend Jorge , He was an atheist and hanged out with satanist friends. He was in the hospital with 98% cancer (leukemia ) and he's close to having less than 1% . He allowed me to read scripture to him in the hospital and in quiet without no debate. Praying that God visits and hits him with the Holy Ghost tonight , as I visit him in his home .

Catalina Jostes
anna mack
Lorena Lopez
Carmen Frazier
Carmen Frazier
12 feb 2023

Praying for God to perform a miracle, to have that personal encounter. That would change his heart, transition him to be a believer. By the power of his testimony many other who called themselves atheist would become believers. In Jesus name.

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